The news is abuzz with leading dailies reporting about employees that have been moonlighting, or ‘two-timing’ their employers, so to speak, after it came out that a Noida-based IT employee was working for as many as 7 different organizations—at the same time! In fact, a study by states, 69% of remote workers have a second job; 37% of them have a second full-time job while 32% have a side hustle. From running an independent small business to picking up contract-based work from multiple organizations, one job no longer seems to be enough for a majority of the workforce in 2022. Technically Speaking, What Is Moonlighting? You know that clause in your employment contract that prohibits you from working with another company, part-time or full-time? Moonlighting breaks this very clause. Moonlighting basically means you have a ‘second job’ or are gainfully employed by more than one company at the same time. Usually the second job is done after hours, ie, at night...