AI Shepherd: A marketeer with knowledge of AI tools who can use intelligent machines to the advantage of his/her company. The role and importance of AI in marketing is set to increase with the passage of time so a marketeer of the future will need to have a good grasp of AI and its technical aspects so that he is in a position to make full use of AI tools and techniques to get better insight into human behaviour. Ideation Expert: People who are brimming with new and bold ideas to generate and increase revenue and can galvanise people and use technology to turn ideas into reality. Advisors: Fantastic customer service experts who can not only give first class consultation for complex problems in order to solve those issues but also provide immense value through his/her connections. AI marketing tools to the fore Already there are over 50 AI assisted marketing tools like Stackla, Rocco, Onespot, Lucy, Idio, Bloomrea...